Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Ice Cubes in your armpits!!

I hear you! Believe me I do. I know how it feels to sit in your desk and appear all "cool" and lady like when really there is a Niagara falls of the worst kind flowing through your armpits or bust line or wherever(lets cut the gory details). You tip-toe to the restroom and try to fix yourself-some perfume here, some talc there. You blot all the 'natural' sea salt spray from your body and return to your AC cabin with a look of delight. You get down to work, humming yourself a track and sipping on some water feeling like your teenage self. Ten minutes later, you feel like a giant sticky note. Argh!
 After a few days you realize, your deo doesn't do it, your bathing bar doesn't do it, your talc, SPF- none of them help!  After having showered in my own sweat almost every summer, the Mint and Tea Tree shower gel by Original Source comes as more than just a relief.
It is a vegan product made of tea tree extracts and mint concentrate which leaves your body with a tingling sensation. The first time I showered with it, I think I saw Alaska. It was 36C already in Bangalore and nothing helped to distract me from the heat. I had picked up the shower gel from the local store (Health and Glow, Bangalore) and had not paid much attention to it. I just thought that the mint would keep body odour at bay but boy, it did so much more!
So, back to my story. I stepped into the shower, poured some gel out and the mint concentrate was just so refreshing and arousing at the same time. Lathered myself up and I started noticing that something was different. Took me about two seconds to realize that there were ice cubes in my armpits, around my neck, ice cubes tucked under my bust line , between my legs and....HOME RUN!!! 
Best bath I'd had in my entire life. Period. *toothy grin*
Moreover, it kept me cool for over 4-5 hours and I felt so refreshed!! I felt like a full 158 cms of chilled  Mojito, loose on the streets of the city. The light green bottle sits prettily too. All this for a price of 200 odd Rupees. Sigh! Life is sorted.

Go then, get your ice cube machine and invest in keeping your own sanity :) And lets hope you hit a few home runs too! ;)

NAME: Mint and Tea Tree Shower Gel
MAKER: Original Source, UK.
PRICE: 299 Rs.
AVAILABLE AT: Flipkart and Health & Glow outlets, Bangalore.

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